
.NET Tree and Menu Control and Design Environment

This release is built and will only work with RC1 (V7.0.9372) build of the .NET Framework (V1.0.3328)
Beta 4.00
December, 2001
(C) Copyright Infragistics, Inc., 2001
2540 Route 130
Cranbury, NJ 08512 USA
Voice (609) 655-5000
Fax (609) 655-5353
Internet http://www.infragistics.com

This document contains release notes for UltraWebNavigator Beta 4. Information in this document is more current than the on-line Help.

All features of the product have been implemented at this time.  Consult the product help file for instructions and tutorials for how to best use it.  Please report any problems, suggestions or bugs to beta@infragistics.com.


Please uninstall any previous install of any Infragistics Web Forms betas.  Verify that your Global Assembly Cache is empty of Infragistics Web Forms assemblies by looking in the assembly folder in your OS folder and removing Infragistics.WebUI, Infragistics.WebDesign, Infragistics.WebUI.UltraWebNavigator. Or use the GacUtil.exe utility to remove these assemblies from the cache.

Changes from Beta 3

Known Issues

Thank you for your interest and participation in the beta program for this product.

Infragistics Web Control Products Team